Thursday, January 30, 2014

Do You Know Why We Celebrate the 4th of July?

I was just cleaning my bedroom (a rare event) while listening to a radio broadcast called Liberty Storm. I study my pet subjects while I do housework, which is how I am able to learn so many interesting things. Anyway, the program has a Man on the Street segment that has me so appalled I had to force myself to stop cleaning to sit down and write about it. The question being explored was: Do Americans Understand Why We Celebrate the 4th of July? Here is the transcript from this segment:

Q: When the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence in 1976, what country did we break away from?
A: (A young woman) What?
Q: What country did we break away from back in 1976, when the Declaration of Independence was signed?
A: That's a really good question.
Q: You know, we have a big party and everybody celebrates, gets drunk and barbecues. . .
A: The 4th of July? I love that!
Q: But you don't know why we celebrate it?
A: No. .  it's. . . China?
Q: So when we signed the Declaration of Independence, we broke away from China.
A: I knew that! China.

To a different person:
Q: When we declared independence from China back in 1776, and Jesse Ventura signed the Declaration of Independence, what year was that?
A (guy): Oh [gosh],
A (girl): Wait, Jesse Ventura signed the Declaration of Independence?
Q: Don't help him, just him. What year was that?
A(guy): I have no idea.
Q: The Declaration of Independence signed when we had the revolutionary war against China?
A: It's been so long. I haven't had to remember that forever.
Q: Yeah, who cares about American History and our founding, right?

Next person:
Q: Talking about the Chinese Revolutionary War, when we signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and broke away from China, what year was the Declaration of Independence signed?
A: Oh my gosh, it was 18-something. I don't know!
Q: Okay. Have a nice life.

Q: When the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776, what year did they sign the Declaration of Independence and break away from England to start America?
A: Uh, '78, I don't know.
Q: 1978?
A: Yeah.

Q: When Jesse Ventura and Jack Lemon and the other Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, what year was that?
A:(laughter from a young woman) Oh! I don't know!
Q: Have a nice life.

---End of transcript---

I'm sorry, but I can't stand it. Is it any wonder that our country is in the shape it's in? I realize that this was a small sampling from a single location, but judging by the way our government "governs," I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the case with a huge number of our populace. Folks, one of the reasons that schools were instituted way back when was so that the values of the community could be regularly instilled in the youth. That was before compulsory educating became the norm, when it switched over to brainwashing the youth to have them trained to be employees for the governing elite, and other nefarious purposes.
    We attend church each week in order to keep us tuned in to the spiritual principles that should guide our lives. I would maintain that one of the main purposes for sending our children to public school everyday should be to keep them tuned in to the principles of freedom so that they will have a desire to defend those principles when they are threatened. I promise that if they don't even know the basics like the names of the Founders, who it was we were fighting against, and the most basic of dates as to when those things happened, they aren't learning the principles, either.
     I will have more to say on this very soon, but I just wanted to get that out of my system. Thanks for "listening."

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What about Greed?

Glenn Beck posted this video of Milton Friedman on the Phil Donahue show eons ago, in which Donahue asks him about capitalism and greed and solving the plight of the poor. I love Friedman's responses. Would that we all could be so articulate.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Is Utah a Sovereign State?

This is an email I just got about a meeting tomorrow at noon in Orem. If you can possibly attend this meeting, it will quickly catch you up to speed on what is going on. Our best line of defense is with our legislature and sheriffs. We need to understand this and hold these people accountable to us. Please get informed!
Tomorrow (Wednesday) at noon is an event/meeting in which you might be interested. Cherilyn Eagar is calling it "Obama's War on Utah's Sovereignty and Marriage Law." I would call it "Utah's Unfortunate Misunderstanding of State Sovereignty."
Although I may not be able to attend, perhaps you can.
Date and Time:
Wednesday, January 8, 2014, Noon
Golden Corral Restaurant
225 West University Parkway
Orem, Utah
Among other things, you will hear:

   State Representative LaVar Christensen discuss "The Amendment 3 Court Challenge - How Did This Happen in Utah?"

   Talk Show Host Sam Bushman discuss "State Sovereignty, the Constitutional Sheriff and the Balance of Power"

   Blogger/activist/former US Senate candidate Cherilyn Eagar discuss "What a Decade of Legalized Same Sex Marriage in Massachusetts Has Done to Marriage, Family, Schools, Business and Religious Liberty"

  Utah Eagle Forum President Gayle Ruzicka discuss "Non-discrimination bill, upcoming convention, Thursday evening event, and volunteers for Legislative Session"
I am particularly interested in Sam Bushman's comments about the role of constitutional sheriffs and peace officers in protecting our sovereignty.
As I wrote to Governor Herbert last week,
"Utah is (supposed to be) a sovereign state. And we should act sovereign.
"The states ratified the US Constitution, which vests specific, enumerated, limited authority in a central government. NO WAY does the constitution authorize the central government to trump state authority in [state/domestic matters]. NO WAY."
The citizens of Utah should NOT be seeking for certain outcomes from federal courts on domestic (state) issues. The sooner we understand the true nature of our republic (that the feds do NOT have the final say in state/domestic matters), the better!
In liberty,
Lowell Nelson, Coordinator
Utah Campaign for Liberty

Get Off the Deck Chairs! The Ship Is Sinking!

When the federal judge ruled that Utah’s marriage amendment was unconstitutional, I was left, for a short time, feeling quite discouraged and nearly despondent. Thankfully, at the last minute, I found out about some meetings that were held over the weekend in which this issue was being discussed, so I attended and hope returned. I came away realizing that it isn’t over ‘til it’s over and knowing that there are some things I can do to protect the values I hold dear. I want to talk about involvement for a few minutes here, and help us understand what our responsibilities are in this realm.
President Benson probably had more to say on the subjects of freedom and liberty than any other prophet, so I’m going to use some one of his quotes:
“We encourage Latter-day Saints throughout the nation to familiarize themselves with the Constitution. They should focus attention on it by reading and studying it. They should ponder the blessings that come through it. They should recommit themselves to its principles and be prepared to defend it and the freedom it provides. (D&C 109:54.) . . .
Because some Americans have not kept faith with our Founding Fathers, the Constitution faces severe challenges. Those who do not prize individual freedom are trying to erode its great principles. We believe the Constitution will stand, but it will take the efforts of patriotic and dedicated Americans to uphold it. . . . We, as Latter-day Saints, must be vigilant in doing our part to preserve the Constitution and safeguard the way of life it makes possible.”
1.      He says we are encouraged to familiarize ourselves with the Constitution, and focus attention on it by reading and studying it.
2.      We should ponder the blessings that come through it.
3.      We should recommit ourselves to its principles and be prepared to defend it and the freedom it provides.
Then he says that because some Americans have not kept the faith with our Founding Fathers, the Constitution now faces severe challenges. Well, if it was challenged back then, it’s all but completely crippled now.
4.      It will take the efforts of patriotic and dedicated Americans to uphold it, and we, as Latter-day Saints, must be vigilant in doing our part to preserve the Constitution and safeguard the way of life it makes possible.
So I am asking the question of anyone who is reading this: What have you done in your life, or what are you doing now to uphold and defend the principles of the Constitution? If you haven’t done or aren’t currently doing anything, why not? I’ll tell you what keeps me from getting involved: I’m busy with things I want to do. Politics is messy business. It takes time to study these things out. The Constitution uses hard language and it doesn’t read like the stuff we read today, and etc. I wonder which of those excuses will be enough to convince the Lord that I was doing my part to protect the freedoms He gave me through the shedding of much blood by those who were willing to put their necks on the line for these principles. I can’t speak for God, but when I make the comparison, those reasons and any others I might come up with seem very lame indeed.
So I’ve decided that it’s time for me to get back into the fray. I don’t want to; I loathe and detest politics, but I do want to do what’s right. I know that when I put forth my efforts to do the things that the Lord expects of me, He multiplies my efforts so that it doesn’t feel like it’s just me doing it, and He sends blessings over and above what my meager efforts deserve.
I invite any of you who care about this country and the freedoms that God gave us to decide right now that you are going to get involved in this cause in whatever way you feel moved to do so. At the close of one of the meetings I attended the other night, I heard the most beautiful, heartfelt prayer I’ve ever heard. The gentleman praying asked that we be forgiven of our idleness for having allowed ourselves to arrive at the state we’re in with our freedoms being taken away from us. When I heard that, I realized that we do need to ask forgiveness for the sin of allowing the wicked combinations to get above us and rule over us and take over our government. We’ve had the power in us all this time to elect good people to these offices, but because we have not spent the time studying what good government looks like, and don’t know what the issues are, we tend to elect people because they are from our party, or because they are more polished in public than someone else, or whatever reason it is that we continue to vote for people who flush our freedoms down the toilet. I also realized that when we sincerely ask for forgiveness, the Lord always grants it, but it is expected that we will go forward and sin no more. The time to stop being idle is NOW. We are on a sinking ship and if we don’t all get off our deck chairs and start bailing, we’re going to go down with it. And even if it does go down, I want the Lord to know that I didn’t stop bailing until the water was completely over my head, and that I did everything I could to keep it afloat.

I am resurrecting this blog and dedicating it to this cause. I will use it to share the things I am learning and to pass along information about meetings and rallies where the groups I affiliate with are meeting to help bring about the changes that are needed. You are welcome to subscribe so you can be part of it. I welcome any and all respectful comments. This blog is moderated, and I won’t allow unkind things to be posted here. Disagreement is fine if it is civil and contributes to the discussion, but I am going to do my best to keep this positive. Mother Teresa has been quoted as saying that she would never attend an anti-war demonstration, but that if invited to a pro-peace rally she would be there. I, too, believe that our efforts need to be positive. I am not against anyone. I am for preservation of the family and of the Constitutional principles upon which this great country was founded. I pledge myself to work to uphold and restore those prinicples. Won’t you join me? 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Senator Reid to Speak on Anti-Discrimination Legislation

Senator Stuart Reid from the Utah State Legislature will be speaking about the Anti-Discrimination bill  that is being considered in the state legislature this year. The talk will be on Thursday, January 9 at 7 p.m. in the
City Council Chambers at 489 West Utah Avenue in Payson. This is very scary legislation and one we all need to be informed about. Please try to attend, if you can.