The Declaration of Independence is the promise ---- The United States Constitution delivers the promise.
The Declaration of Independence declares that God is the Source of Mankind’s Rights, and that governments are instituted among Men to Secure these Rights. The United States Constitution grants the national government power to fulfill its appropriate assigned responsibility while preventing it from assuming un-granted powers
The United States Constitution is a legally binding written contract specifying the limits, scope and bounds within which the United States government, and its various departments may act.
The Oath of Office which all must take (see U.S. Constitution Article II Section 1, and Article VI clause 4) is a sacred covenant made before God and the people of this nation that the officer will be restrained and keep all actions within those powers and responsibilities specified within the United States Constitution, and will faithfully execute those duties.
No officer or office within the government has the authority to stray outside the bounds of power defined and granted by the United States Constitution, and no officer may delegate, grant, or assume that authority.
The United States Constitution established checks and balances between the various departments of the national government to assure that the powers of those departments were kept within the scope and bounds of their constitutional mandate.
We, the people of this nation, have agreed to be governed within the limited and well defined framework established in the United States Constitution, and those governments which are closer to us. Authority is not granted to those who hold office to delegate our governance to international bodies, bureaucracies, or agencies. Our allegiance is to the limited republican form of government which was established under the United States Constitution.
The power to regulate International trade and commerce is granted solely to the U. S. Congress, (see U.S. Constitution Article I Section 8 clause 3) and may not be delegated to international bodies or agencies. Enactments such as NAFTA and CAFTA and proposed agreements such as FTAA and the so-called Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) violate this essential element of U.S. sovereignty.
The fruits of one’s labors are the right and responsibility of the individual to administer, and the power to redistribute those fruits is not granted to any level of government.
The United States Constitution does not grant the national government power to enact such usurpations as the so-called “ObamaCare” Health bill, nor any other of the numerous entitlement programs that have bankrupted the nation.
Article I Section 8 clause 4 of the U.S. Constitution delegates authority to the U.S. Congress to regulate the immigration and naturalization process. Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution requires the U.S. government to protect the states from invasion. The integrity and protection of the international borders of the nation must be maintained. No “right of migration” exists for foreign nationals to enter the nation under terms other than those defined by Congress, and Congress has a duty to establish terms which protect the sovereignty of the nation and its established form of limited Constitutional government.
The power and authority to engage this nation in war is a solemn responsibility which requires careful deliberation to ascertain its necessity and justice. That power lies solely with the U.S. Congress (see U.S. Constitution Article I Section 8 clause 11) and may not be delegated to the President or any international body.
The might of the United States military is to be used solely to protect the people of this nation from attacks against their lives, liberty, and property. The U.S. military is to remain strictly under U.S. command, and is not to be used to carry out the mandates of any international or foreign power, or to be used as “nation–builders”, or “peace keepers” in disputes foreign to this nation (see U.S. Constitution Article I Section 8 clauses 11-16).
The United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8, clause 17) grants the national government power to hold federal lands for certain specific purposes, and none other. By their legislative enactments and by their actions the Founding Fathers demonstrated that they intended the lands within each new State to be transferred to the States and the People as soon as possible when a new State joined the nation.
Article III Section 2 clause 2 of the United States Constitution grants to Congress the authority to limit the scope and power of the Judiciary and court systems. Congress must act within that grant of power to check the usurpation which is rampant within the Judicial Branch.
The Second Amendment protects the individual right of all mankind to keep and bear arms to protect their lives, liberty and property from all who would be tyrants and criminals, both foreign and domestic, and that right shall not be infringed.
The so-called USA Patriot Act eviscerates the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution and severely threatens the liberties of the people of the nation. Within that act, and many other recent enactments, may be found seeds of tyranny.
The right to Trial by Jury (see Article III Section 2 clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, and Amendments 6 and 7) is essential to the preservation of liberty, and the duty of government to act within the bonds of both justice and mercy; therefore, the right of the jury to examine and judge both the law and the facts in the case before them must be restored and preserved.
While education is essential to a free and prosperous nation, no element or role in that process is granted to the national government (see Amendment 10). That role and responsibility rightly belongs to the individual, the family, and local associations created and controlled by the people.
As proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, life is a sacred gift from God, and its protection is one of the primary purposes of proper government. Both the born and the unborn have the right of that protection, and to tamper with the God-ordained well-spring of life is a grave and dangerous assumption which must be prevented.
Government-created debt, and the resultant creation of “money” out of thin air, is the source of inflation, which destroys the fruits of individual labor, and creates a bondage for future generations.
To Preserve the Nation–Restore the Constitutional Foundation
The Plain English Words of the United States Constitution are My Platform!
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