I know what you're thinking: Why should anyone care what you think of Glenn Beck? The answer is: They shouldn't. But I've had a bit of an eye-opener today that I need to put in writing, and if anyone is interested, they can read it.
The man is an absolute anomaly to me. For the past 20 years I have studied different aspects of government, off and on, and I think I have a pretty good grasp of they way things are, at least on a surface level. I believe that there is a world-wide conspiracy that seeks to overthrow the freedom of everyone on the planet. I believe that conspiracy has allies in every government on earth, and that most, if not all, of the mainstream media is controlled by them. Which is why I've had a hard time wrapping my brain around the whole Glenn Beck phenomenon. He seems to be saying good things, albeit a bit crudely at times, but I have not trusted him, because as controlled as I believe the media to be, I could not believe that someone who seems to be doing the good things he appears to be doing was not in some way being controlled by the media. I disagree with him on one point that I find significant, and it has bothered me.
Today I watched a talk he gave at the American Revival Meeting in Salt Lake a couple of days ago. As I watched, and laughed, and cried, something occurred to me, that I'm ashamed to say had not occurred to me before, where Glenn Beck is concerned. Here it is: If I'm right in my assessment of the control of the media by the powers that be, and assuming that Glenn Beck is a good guy, the only way that his message could get out to the public without being censored or shut down is if God had a hand in it. After watching his keynote address at the American Revival meeting, I believe that he is being helped by God to do what he is doing. Money does indeed talk, and maybe he brings in enough that they think he can't do much damage so they let him talk. Although, apparently the liberals have branded him as the most dangerous man on earth. A title he wears with humility, amazingly enough.
Whatever else this man is, I believe him to be on a mission for God. He is talking about God, and Jesus Christ and His atonement, and the founding principles of this nation, and people are listening and waking up. Quite frankly, those are the things that all of us, as Christians and freedom-loving patriots should be talking about.
So I repent of things I have said about him in the past. On the matter with which I disagree with him, well, we both can't be right, but likely we both believe we are. I hope that when the one of us who is wrong finds out we're wrong, we'll humbly acknowledge it and change our thinking and the way we talk about it.
I would like to invite anyone who reads this, if you haven't already done so, to subscribe to Glenn Beck's website (glennbeck.com) and listen to the speech he gave at the American Revival. It was one of the best speeches I've ever heard and if it doesn't get you motivated to find out what you're supposed to be doing with your life as a Christian and a Patriot, and start figuring out how to do it, not much else will. I invite you to share it with your children and encourage others to subscribe and do the same. You can subscribe for one month, and cancel your subscription if you want, but I promise that the speech alone, is worth the $9.95 subscription price all by itself. There is a lot of other good stuff on there that you might want to enjoy during the month.
Our country is on the brink of destruction. It was prophesied that this would happen, so it shouldn't be a surprise to any of us. Ezra Taft Benson said on several occasions that when we stand up for freedom, we stand up for God. We will be held accountable for our actions in relation to government, and the time to stand up is now.
Thanks for reading.
The United States Needs a Spending Chainsaw
5 hours ago
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